Performance testing of Dictionary - List - Hashtable
Still working with high-volume realtime datafeeds, I'm struggling to understand where the bottleneck in my code is. It's not with the database, it's not with the network - it's somewhere in the code. Now that doesn't help a lot.
So I decided to have a look at the different data structures that could be usable for my needs. Right now I'm using a List to keep track of my orders, and each time I get a new order, I check that list for the given ID.
So I'm starting to wonder, maybe there is a performance issue with the List data structure. So I made a small test with the following code:
static void TestList()
var watch = new Stopwatch();
var theList = new List<int>();
//Fill it
for (int i = 0; i <>
Console.WriteLine("Avg add time for List: {0}", (watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / noOfIterations));
//Test containsKey
for (int j = 0; j <>
Console.WriteLine("Avg Contains lookup time for List: {0}", (watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / noOfIterations));
I created similar test code for Dictionary
First run, I used 1,000 for the noOfIterations variable and ran it three times.
The horizontal scale here is in milliseconds, so things are reasonably fast. A value of 0.2 gives you a possible 200 adds per second. As you probably can see without checking the numbers, dictionary is faster. List is slower for lookup, but HashSet suprises a little with the slow add function. So what happens when we go to 100,000 items?
OK, List is a lot slower for lookup still. Add seems to compare ok though. Let's see how it compares if we remove the lookup-time from the chart: