Performance testing of Dictionary - List - Hashtable

Still working with high-volume realtime datafeeds, I'm struggling to understand where the bottleneck in my code is. It's not with the database, it's not with the network - it's somewhere in the code. Now that doesn't help a lot.

So I decided to have a look at the different data structures that could be usable for my needs. Right now I'm using a List to keep track of my orders, and each time I get a new order, I check that list for the given ID.

So I'm starting to wonder, maybe there is a performance issue with the List data structure. So I made a small test with the following code:

static void TestList()


var watch = new Stopwatch();

var theList = new List<int>();


//Fill it

for (int i = 0; i <>





Console.WriteLine("Avg add time for List: {0}", (watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / noOfIterations));



//Test containsKey

for (int j = 0; j <>





Console.WriteLine("Avg Contains lookup time for List: {0}", (watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / noOfIterations));


I created similar test code for Dictionary and HashSet. In all of the tests I used a loop where the given key always existed in the data structure. I used Add instead of Insert, because of tests I've seen online show that this is much faster. For example, this one.

First run, I used 1,000 for the noOfIterations variable and ran it three times.

The horizontal scale here is in milliseconds, so things are reasonably fast. A value of 0.2 gives you a possible 200 adds per second. As you probably can see without checking the numbers, dictionary is faster. List is slower for lookup, but HashSet suprises a little with the slow add function. So what happens when we go to 100,000 items?

OK, List is a lot slower for lookup still. Add seems to compare ok though. Let's see how it compares if we remove the lookup-time from the chart:

Now that's a result! Turns out List is your winner if fast adding is all you care about. If you want to look up your values later though, dictionary is your winner. Hope this will save some time for other developers in the same situation. Also feel free to comment if you find different results, or a problem with my test!
