“Top 19″ best practices for J2EE

The list of the best of the best Java EE practices can be found at IBM web site:

1. Always use MVC.
2. Don’t reinvent the wheel.
3. Apply automated unit tests and test harnesses at every layer.
4. Develop to the specifications, not the application server.
5. Plan for using Java EE security from Day One.
6. Build what you know.
7. Always use session facades whenever you use EJB components.
8. Use stateless session beans instead of stateful session beans.
9. Use container-managed transactions.
10. Prefer JSPs as your first choice of presentation technology.
11. When using HttpSessions, store only as much state as you need for the current business transaction and no more.
12. Take advantage of application server features that do not require your code to be modified.
13. Play nice within existing environments.
14. Embrace the qualities of service provided by the application server environment.
15. Embrace Java EE, don’t fake it.
16. Plan for version updates.
17. At all points of interest in your code, log your program state using a standard logging framework.
18. Always clean up after yourself.
19. Follow rigorous procedures for development and testing.

Study tips

In my opinion, there is no set timeframe like months or days to prepare for Java Certification. It depends entirely on how you want to approach the whole subject. If you are well versed with Java language it might take you little effort to prepare for the Java Certification or else if you are new to Java the efforts can double. The objective for passing the certification is totally different then objective for learning Java language. There are certain Java topics which are not covered in the certification objectives like Swing, EJB, Servlets, JDBC just to name few. When I started learning Java language I realized that it is kind of cumulative language, which means the new concepts are added to and build upon previous concepts. It is very important that the early material be mastered thoroughly. So.... do some initial homework, see where you stand in terms of your Java expertise and approach this issue accordingly.

(1) Before you think of appearing for the certification, make sure that you are aware of Java language concepts, syntax and object oriented concepts. Lay special emphasis on the certification objectives. This will give you some directions as to what Sun(TM) is expecting from you for getting certified.

(2) Do some initial investment and buy a good Java book. I bought Ivar Hortan's Beginning Java 2.

Carefully read over the sections and look carefully at the sample problems. (One nice aspect of this book is that the author uses real life scenarios to explain Java concepts) .If you go to a school which teach Java or have joined a Java course, then decide if you benefit more by reading before or after the instructor covers the material. If you know which skill areas are the weakest, you can then work to improve yourself in those areas, and you'll have a far better chance to reach your full potential for higher scores.

(3) There is simply no excuse for this.. write lots of code. As you start developing code, you won't necessarily get it right the first time, but you can improve as you find more about the underlying details. You will realize the importance of this when you go in the examination hall and see the code intensive questions in the new SCJP format. Writing and executing code will fine tune your theoretical concepts and get rid of any ambiguities. Questions in the certification often test you on 'compile time error' and 'run time error' in the code and you are expected to know the difference between the two types of errors, which will not come to you unless and until you have made an conscious effort to write and compile the code.

Start making notes on piece of paper. Every time you find a concept which relates to the certification objective, jot it down. Put together all the notes pertaining to a topic in same folder in one place, so that you can refer to them at the appropriate time.

Identify your scoring topics. These are some of the topics where you stand a good chance of scoring 95% - 100%. Concentrate more on these.

(6) Once you are confident that your level of comfort with Java language is fairly good, start taking the mock exams. You may have to do the exams test for more than once. Try to get score over 90% in this mock exams. The questions that are in the real exam can be a lot trickier than those you solve in mock exams. One area which can be tricky is declarations and access control, Operators and assignments. In case of multiple choice questions, you can go thru the possible answers real quick and eliminate the wrong ones which seem obvious. This is the most difficult exercise, but once you crack it (by practice) you can get the answer fairly quickly.

It is very very important that you continually review and practice the java concepts you already know and the new concept you acquire in the process of learning. Best way to do so is visit a Java forums on the web. Try to answer the questions raised by the fellow programmers. I have listed some forums here on my website.

(7) Week before the exam collect all your notes which you have filed in Step (4) and start breaking them into one liners, just the gist. This way you have only the important points and concepts in hand. Use this material one final time one day before the exam and keep it in safe place.

(8) Take a good night sleep before the exam day and appear with fresh mind.

(9) When you approach a question try to understand why has the question come in the examination, what is that 'they' want to test by posing this question. In the real exam the questions are worded clearly and without any ambiguity (no tricky questions) , so spend some time reading them.

(10) Haste will only makes waste!!. Rushing thru the questions and trying to complete the test will not improve your test score.

(11) One very counter productive approach is to time your questions. You will end up spending more time looking at your watch and less time concentrating on the questions. You may want to get to the "easier" questions first and then revisit the remaining ones.

(12) Never get frustrated or discouraged by unfamiliar or "hard" questions which come can come in the beginning. Just keep concentrating and working on the remaining ones.

(13) Not failure but low aim is a crime....

My Web Application Development Process

The First Step - Analysis and Planning

The planning stage is where you meet with the client and get t know exactly what they need. If they have an existing system in place — either a paper-based system, existing web-based or desktop system, have then run through their typical daily tasks and show you exactly what they do, and why they do it. The point here is not to start making recommendations but to get really inside their current system and get a complete understanding of how the system helps them. Almost assume you’re being trained for their job and have to do each of the tasks that they’re doing and why they’re doing it so you can start thinking about the system from their perspective.
You might be thinking that a lot of clients don’t currently have anything in place, but I’ve had clients to wrote down all their service calls on paper and then wrote them on a big white board before I worked with them. That was their system, and that’s the first place we started. The goal of any web-based application is to improve employee work flow, and subsequently increase productivity. Otherwise, it’s hard to make a business case to the client to spend thousands of dollars on your custom software.

Once you have a clear understanding of their business and how their existing system works you can start planning and making recommendations for improvements to the system. Start brainstorming with the client and ask them what immediately comes to their mind in an effort to start improving their current work flow. Here is where the documentation starts as well. Start off with a functional specification of the system that clearly outlines, in a high-level description, what the proposed system will do and how it will improve efficiencies and productivity. This does a couple things: it helps define the exact scope of the project at the start to help reduce any scope creep and change requests throughout the project, and also helps you define the project to include in your contract or service agreement.
A Note on Documentation:You might be thinking to yourself, that it sounds like a lot of documentation, and a lot to do up front. However, I’ve found that it is quite rare for a client to truly understand themselves what they want in a system when it is being developed, and the more discussion, brainstorming, and documentation you put in place it helps develop further discussion on the system, and finalize on a complete and accurate system spec. The more details you include in your up front documentation, the less questions and changes you’ll have down the road. For large complex systems, a lack of documentation and planning can mean stalled projects, delays in delivery (and payment), and unhappy clients due to confusion about the project.

Interface Design

Yes, the interface is the second step. Part of the planning should include how the client wants the interface to work. This is arguably the most important aspect of the development project, since the interface will effectively determine whether the application is a success or not. Keeping the users of the system happy is the single most powerful tool in turning a web application client into a long-term business relationship. If the users are constantly complaining to their boss about how difficult it is to use, then you’re going to have more minor fixes, and headaches than you’ll want.

They won’t have a clue about the technical underpinnings of the system like how the database is setup or structured, or whether you’ve coded it well or not. Although database and coding is equally important to the interface on your end, the clients really could care less.

During the interface design, you need to design every single screen from the login, to the user’s dashboard, reports, and forms. Each and every module should be clearly defined including mock error messages and notices. The reason for doing this separately before the actual programming is that you won’t be in a programming state of mind while designing the system. If you do all your mock ups in Photoshop or Fireworks you’re not thinking about how you’ll code the HTML or structure the database - you’re solely thinking about how the system works. If you do leave these elements out, while you’re programming it, you won’t give them the required time and attention and the entire application will suffer.

This also gives your user a way of seeing what the application will look like and give you very important feedback. You don’t want to have to re-work the interface once you’ve already coded it. That can be a huge hassle, and changing it at this step is simple.

As I’m drawing up mockups, I like to label them with their proposed URL structure. Rather than trying to set this up in the development stage, start thinking about it here. Label each of your screens as domain.com/app/module/function ex: domain.com/app/calendar/view and domain.com/app/calendar/edit/434. It doesn’t mean you need to split these functions into different actual web pages - through the use of mod_rewrite you can create some great-looking URLs.

Database Design

Now we can begin the database structure. Look at the proposed screens for the application and start grouping fields, entities, and the data you’ll be storing and create some high-level Entity-Relationship Diagrams or ERDs. Then get more detailed and create a complete database structure including the relationships between each table. I like to reduce to Third Normal Form (3NF), but you can go deeper if you want. You’ll find that this step is quite easy now that you’ve already done the interface design, as well, from doing the interface design, you’ll also have the fields and other data clearly outlined so you won’t have as many surprise changes to the structure of the data. You probably don’t want to show this document to the client as they most likely won’t understand it.

Class and Application Structure

At this point I like to start outlining any classes and data objects I’ll need in the system. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is always the way to go, especially in large, complex web applications since you’ll be maintaining the system for some time as well. The goal is to have as much code reuse as possible, and to come up with a logical set of programming objects to reduce the complexity of programming the system as well as the maintenance.

This doesn’t mean just coming up with standard database connection objects, and other standards libraries, you want to look at objects specific to functions of the application. For example, if the system includes an inventory module, you want to create one or more inventory objects so if you need to use an edit form in multiple places within your application you don’t need to cut and paste code, its a simple function call.

Directory Structure

Now I start planning my directory structure. I like to group my directories in a similar manner as the applications function, and I keep my images, javascripts, css, etc grouped as well. Here’s a sample:
• .htaccess
• /images
• /javascript
• /css
• /conf
• /includes
• /class
• /modules
• /tmp
• /files
o /images
o /documents

I like to have a temp directory for file uploads contained within the web application rather than uploading files to a server’s general temp directory, and I also like to put all uploaded files within the files directory and organize them accordingly witihin. The conf directory holds any configuration files (which will include system options and database connection variables). The modules directory will include folders and the files for each module within the system. Finally, the .htaccess file includes any rewrite rules and server configurations.


Now we can start the development of the site. This consists of converting my mockups to HTML/CSS and getting the templates uploaded, then building the database and finally connecting the HTML templates to the database with code. I always work off my local file server and then do periodic uploads of the system to a web server where the client can play around with it while I’m developing off my own internal server. This way they can look at the system and do some testing while I’m developing. It also keeps them in the loop during the entire development process to ensure that you don’t go off track on the system.

Also, ensure that you have some sort of backup in place for your system while it’s in development. This is critical for the obvious reason that you don’t want to lose it and have to start over, but you’ll often mess something up and want to start over from the beginning of the day or earlier. In fact, setting up some sort of version control system like CVS or Subversion is your best bet, I recommend Subersion.

Quality Assurance and Testing

You’ll be testing while you develop the site, but you want to put aside some time to try and break your system once you have a working BETA of the application. This means entering invalid data, trying to hack into login forms, etc. Have your clients try the same, as they’ll probably think of entirely different methods of using the system since they haven’t been so close to the development of the system like you have.
During the development phase you should also be putting together a test plan to help test the system. This is where you’ll refine it and then run through your test plan and track any bugs as they are found. I like to track bugs in a spreadsheet using Excel or iWork Numbers.


Finally, launch the application. You’ll want to give your client a notice that there may be some minor tweaks to work out in the first couple weeks or months of using the system. Just have them track any issues and report back to you for fixing. I typically give them a period of 1 or 2 months where I’ll fix any other bugs they find, but after that point any fixes are billable to the client.


Now that the project is initially complete, you’ll want to setup a maintenance agreement with the client to maintain the system. THis means ongoing support and bug-fixes, web hosting for the system, and regular backups.

Web applications can be a lucrative part of your web development business, they have been for me, and I really enjoy the challenge of planning, designing and implementing the systems. As well from a business point of view, they’re a great source of continual revenue, and also a great way to build stable, long-term clients, which are essential to the long-term plans for your business.


Với sự phát triển mạnh mẽ của Ajax, rất nhều ứng dụng web trở nên thân thiện hơn và dễ sử dụng hơn với người dùng. Và khái niệm WebOS xuất hiện, nó giúp chúng ta chạy nhiều ứng dụng website khác nhau trên 1 giao diện giống như 1 hệ điều hành trên máy desktop. Mình xin tổng hợp 1 số các website WebOS như sau:
Remotely Hosted WebOS

* AstraNOS - Picture Windows 98. Then picture an OS X dock. Then picture a night sky. Then throw them all together. You now have a pretty good picture of AstraNOS.
* BeDesk - Basic wrapper for other online tools.
* cmyOS - Free hosted webtop powered by eyeOS.
* Desktoptwo - Not only do you get 1GB of space, you get a fully-featured OpenOffice.org suite. No, not a basic online editor that has simple formatting options. The full OpenOffice.org 2.0 suite from Sun, converted into a Java applet.
* DoxBoard - Slick WebOS with some basic features.
* GCOE X - Nice WebOS with a powerful terminal and support for the iPhone.
* eyeOS - Beautiful webtop powered by the eyeOS software.
* Glide - Online operating system with support for BlackBerry, Palm, Windows Mobile, Symbian and iPhone users.
* G.ho.st - With 3GB of space, FTP access, and Zoho Office support, what’s not to like?
* goowy - Great webtop with your own email account (@goowy.com), IM, 1GB of space (via Box.net), and much more.
* jooce - Slick invite-only online OS.
* mybooo - Invite-only webtop with a ton of features.
* myGoya - Nice WebOS with PIM features, a media player, and much more.
* OOS - Basic online operating system that offers a personal webpage.
* Parakey - Not much is known about Blake Ross’s newest invention, but we do know that Facebook liked it enough to purchase it for an undisclosed sum.
* Psych Desktop - GPLed webtop with a powerful UNIX-like console.
* Purefect Desktop - Web desktop with a powerful IDE.
* SSOE - Flash-based webtop a lot of features.
* StartForce - Powerful WebOS with tons of apps and features makes the descendant of Orca Desktop a hit.
* Xindesk - File sync, a powerful API, and much more are included in this great WebOS.
* Webdesk - This Indian webtop includes 1GB of space, POP3 client, PIM, and a nice modules API.
* Webdows - We don’t know how long it will take Microsoft to sue these guys, but it’s a real enjoyment in the meantime. It has XP and Vista styles (including a few Vista effects), FTP, file sharing, IM, and much more.
* Widgets Gadgets - AJAX desktop with tons of apps and a working API.
* YouOS - File sharing, powerful shell, and 700+ applications are all available with this wildly popular operating system.
* ZimDesk - Slick WebOS with tons of apps.

Self-Hosted WebOS

* eyeOS - One of the most popular webtops on the planet, eyeOS boasts tons of apps, a booming community, and a lot more features.
* Fenestela - There’s still quite a few bugs to be ironed out in this French WebOS, but you get a cool XP interface and basic PHP apps.
* Psych Desktop - GPLed desktop with a powerful UNIX-like console.
* Purefect Desktop - Web desktop with a powerful IDE.
* Virtual-OS - Includes powerful API, web server sync, forum integration, and offline AJAX support.
* ZKDesktop - Powerful open source Java-based WebOS.

Remote Desktops

* DesktopOnDemand - A fully featured Linux-based desktop with Gnome, Gaim, AbiWord, Evolution, GIMP, WebDAV, VNC, web login, and much more.
* Free Live OS Zoo - Java applet
* Nivio - Subscription-based ($12.99/month) service that offers Windows XP, Adobe Reader, iTunes, Google Talk/aMSN/Windows Live Messenger, OpenOffice.org, Thunderbird, Nvu, and much more. All through a Java-based web interface.


* Favoor - Basic startpage with a nice folder option.
* iGoogle (formerly Google IG) - Great startpage with the most amount of apps I’ve seen for a portal.
* iStyled - Simple startpage with basic customization.
* ItsAStart.com - Customizable page with basic features.
* Live.com (formerly Start.com) - Basic news page backed by Microsoft.
* My Yahoo! - Yahoo!’s entry into the startpage market isn’t bad: it offers news, Yahoo! Mail notification, podcasts, videos, and photo galleries to your startpage.
* Netvibes - There’s a reason everyone uses Netvibes. It has tons of apps, tabs, skins, and a great interface.
* Pageflakes - Popular, easy-to-use page with a simple interface.
* Schmedley - Powerful startpage with tons of features.
* Webwag - The main appeal here isn’t the widget on demand feature (a quick way to build a widget for the site of your choice), the toolbar, the apps, or the content directory. It’s the External widget feature, which allows you to convert and add Netvibes and iGoogle widgets to your Webwag page.
* Widgetop - Nice looking AJAX start page.
* yourminis - Great start page with tons of apps and a bunch of skins by the creator of goowy.

Tools dor web developers

Code Editors

1. Aptana
The Aptana IDE is a free, open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript-focused development environment for building Ajax applications. It features code assist on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS languages, FTP/SFTP support and a JavaScript debugger to troubleshoot your code.
2. Eclipse
Eclipse is an open-source software framework written primarily in Java. In its default form it is a Java IDE, consisting of the Java Development Tools (JDT) and compiler (ECJ). Users can extend its capabilities by installing plug-ins written for the Eclipse software framework, such as development toolkits for other programming languages, and can write and contribute their own plug-in modules. Language packs are available for over a dozen languages. (Source Wikipedia)
3. jEdit
jEdit is a mature programmer’s text editor with hundreds (counting the time developing plugins) of person-years of development behind it. Being a Java based solution it runs across multiple operating systems including; Mac OS X, OS/2, Unix, VMS and Windows.
4. NVU
A Web Authoring System for Linux desktop users as well as Microsoft Windows and Macintosh users to rival programs like FrontPage and Dreamweaver. Nvu (which stands for "new view") makes managing a web site a snap. Now anyone can create web pages and manage a website with no technical expertise or knowledge of HTML.
5. Quanta Plus
Quanta Plus is a highly stable and feature rich web development environment. The vision with Quanta has always been to start with the best architectural foundations, design for efficient and natural use and enable maximal user extensibility.
6. Amaya
Amaya is a Web editor to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium. Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.
Modelling Tools
7. Dia
Dia is inspired by the commercial Windows program ‘Visio’, though more geared towards informal diagrams for casual use. It can be used to draw many different kinds of diagrams. It currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and many other diagrams. It is also possible to add support for new shapes by writing simple XML files, using a subset of SVG to draw the shape.
8. ArgoUML
ArgoUML is the leading open source UML modeling tool and includes support for all standard UML 1.4 diagrams. It runs on any Java platform and is available in ten languages.
9. StarUML
StarUML is an open source project to develop fast, flexible, extensible, feature rich, and freely-available UML/MDA platform running on Win32 platform. The goal of the StarUML project is to build a software modeling tool and also platform that is a compelling replacement of commercial UML tools such as Rational Rose.
10. MagicDraw
MagicDraw is a visual UML modeling and CASE tool with teamwork support. Designed for Business Analysts, Software Analysts, Programmers, QA Engineers, and Documentation Writers, this dynamic and versatile development tool facilitates analysis and design of Object Oriented (OO) systems and databases. It provides the industry’s best code engineering mechanism (with full round-trip support for J2EE, C#, C++, CORBA IDL programming languages, .NET, XML Schema, WSDL), as well as database schema modeling, DDL generation and reverse engineering facilities.
11. OpenOffice Draw
DRAW - from a quick sketch to a complex plan, DRAW gives you the tools to communicate with graphics and diagrams.
12. Kivio
Kivio is an easy to use diagramming and flowcharting application with tight integration to the other KOffice applications. It enables you to create network diagrams, organisation charts, flowcharts and more.

File Transfer Clients
13. FileZilla
FileZilla is a free FTP client and a server solution. FileZilla is open source software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
14. WinSCP
WinSCP is an open source SFTP client and FTP client for Windows. Its main function is the secure file transfer between a local and a remote computer. Beyond this, WinSCP offers basic file manager functionality. It uses Secure Shell (SSH) and supports, in addition to Secure FTP, also legacy SCP protocol.
15. CyberDuck
Cyberduck is an open source FTP and SFTP (SSH Secure File Transfer) browser licenced under the GPL with an easy to use interface, integration with external editors and support for many Mac OS X system technologies such as Spotlight, Bonjour, the Keychain and AppleScript.
16. FireFTP
FireFTP is a free, secure, cross-platform FTP client for Mozilla Firefox which provides easy and intuitive access to FTP servers.

Code Documentors
17. JSDoc
JSDoc is a tool that parses inline documentation in JavaScript source files, and produces an documentation of the JavaScript code. This is typically in the form of HTML, but XML and XMI (UML) export are also supported. JSDoc is based on the (very successful) javadoc tool that was created for the same purpose for the Java programming language.
18. Javadoc
Javadoc is a tool for generating API documentation in HTML format from doc comments in source code. It can be downloaded only as part of the Java 2 SDK.
19. PHPDoc
PHPDoc is an adoption of Javadoc to the PHP world. PHPDoc is written in PHP. It offers you a way to generate an API documentation of objectoriented and procedural code with certain markup in your source. PHPDoc is an Open Source Project and gets distributed under the PHP Licence. That means you can use it in commercials projects.
20. phpDocumentor
phpDocumentor, sometimes referred to as phpdoc or phpdocu, is the current standard auto-documentation tool for the php language. Similar to Javadoc, and written in php, phpDocumentor can be used from the command line or a web interface to create professional documentation from php source code. phpDocumentor has support for linking between documentation, incorporating user level documents like tutorials and creation of highlighted source code with cross referencing to php general documentation. A complete list of features is available.

Bowser Plugins

21. ColorZilla
Advanced Eyedropper, ColorPicker, Page Zoomer and other colorful goodies.
22. LiveHTTPHeaders
LiveHTTPHeaders displays http headers in real time (while pages are being downloaded from the Internet) letting you edit request headers and replay a URL.
23. DebugBar
The DebugBar V4.1.1 is an Internet Explorer plug-in that brings you new powerful features such as a DOM Inspector, HTTP Inspector, JavaScript Inspector, JavaScript Console and HTML Validator.
24. Firebug
Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of web development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.
25. Firebug Lite
Well this one isn’t a browser plugin as such, however I think it goes nicely under Firebug.
Firebug Lite is a JavaScript file you can insert into your pages to simulate the Firebug console in browsers that are not named "Firefox".
26. FireBug Lite ++ (IE7Pro)
An amelioration of the FireBug Lite Script used as userscript for observing from all web sites. F12 to open the console
FireBug Lite ++ can :
- Observe errors
- Evaluate expression (console)
- Browse JavaScript Object (not in FireBug lite, added by this script !)
27. Internet Explorer Toolbar
The Microsoft Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar provides a variety of tools for quickly creating, understanding, and troubleshooting Web pages. This version is a preview release and behavior may change in the final release.

28. Firefox web developer toolbar
The Web Developer extension adds a menu and a toolbar to the browser with various web developer tools. It is designed for Firefox, Flock, Mozilla and Seamonkey, and will run on any platform that these browsers support including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

29. IE7Pro
IE7Pro is a must have add-on for Internet Explorer, which includes a lot of features and tweaks to make your IE friendlier, more useful, secure and customizable. IE7Pro includes Tabbed Browsing Management, Spell Check, Inline Search, Super Drag Drop, Crash Recovery, Proxy Switcher, Mouse Gesture, Tab History Browser, Web Accelerator, User Agent Switcher, Webpage Capturer, AD Blocker, Flash Block, Greasemonkey like User Scripts platform, User Plug-ins and many more power packed features. You can customize not just Internet Explorer, but even your favorite website according to your need and taste using IE7Pro.
30. Opera Web Developer Toolbar & Menu
The web developer toolbar is a menu and toolbar setup for Opera which brings together functions related to web development, validation services and links to standards and other documentation. It integrates parts of Toby’s W3-dev Menu, MooseCSS’s menu, and countless BookMarklets taken from various places (Jesse, Aleto, SlayerOffice, Tarquin and others).
31. Pearl Cresent
Pearl Crescent Page Saver is an extension for Mozilla Firefox that lets you capture images of web pages. These images can be saved in PNG or JPEG format. Using Page Saver, you can capture an entire page or just the visible portion. Options let you control whether images are captured at full size (which is the default) or scaled down to a smaller size.
32. Feng GUI FireFox Add-On extension
A plugin allowing you to easily find out how people View your website or image and which areas are getting most of the attention.
The ViewFinder Heatmap service, is an artificial intelligence service which simulates human visual attention and creates an attention heatmap.

33. Lorem Ipsum Content Generator 0.4
The Lorem Ipsum Content Generator creates placeholder content using latin pasages. This allows you to see what a page is going to look like with content before the copy is actually available.
34. FlashBlock
Flashblock is an extension for the Mozilla, Firefox, and Netscape browsers that takes a pessimistic approach to dealing with Macromedia Flash content on a webpage and blocks ALL Flash content from loading. It then leaves placeholders on the webpage that allow you to click to download and then view the Flash content.
Unit Testing
35. PHPUnit
I understand this is a framework, however, I think it’s a good tool to use in PHP development.
To make code testing viable, good tool support is needed. This is where PHPUnit comes into play. It is a member of the xUnit family of testing frameworks and provides both a framework that makes the writing of tests easy as well as the functionality to easily run the tests and analyse their results.
36. JUnit
JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks.
37. JsUnit
JsUnit is a Unit Testing framework for client-side (in-browser) JavaScript. It is essentially a port of JUnit to JavaScript. Also included is a platform for automating the execution of tests on multiple browsers and mutiple machines running different OSs.
38. NUnit
NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages. Initially ported from JUnit, the current production release, version 2.4, is the fifth major release of this xUnit based unit testing tool for Microsoft .NET. It is written entirely in C# and has been completely redesigned to take advantage of many .NET language features, for example custom attributes and other reflection related capabilities. NUnit brings xUnit to all .NET languages.
Load/Stress Testing
39. OpenSTA
OpenSTA is a distributed software testing architecture designed around CORBA, it was originally developed to be commercial software by CYRANO. The current toolset has the capability of performing scripted HTTP and HTTPS heavy load tests with performance measurements from Win32 platforms.
40. curl-loader
A powerful C-written HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS load generator, performance and stress testing tool. It uses real HTTP and TLS/SSL stacks, generating thousands of users each with own IP-address. Emphases is given to user authentication, login and statistics.
Usability/Accessibility and General Testing
41. Xenu
Xenu’s Link Sleuth (TM) checks Web sites for broken links. Link verification is done on "normal" links, images, frames, plug-ins, backgrounds, local image maps, style sheets, scripts and java applets. It displays a continously updated list of URLs which you can sort by different criteria. A report can be produced at any time.

42. Vischeck
Vischeck is a way of showing you what things look like to someone who is color blind. You can try Vischeck online- either run Vischeck on your own image files or run Vischeck on a web page. You can also download programs to let you run it on your own computer.
43. browsershots.org
Browsershots.org is a free open-source online service providing screenshots of your web site in a multitude of different browsers. It is not as advanced as BrowserCam but a fantastic tool none the less.
44. BrowsrCamp
If you need to test your websites on MacOSX browsers then this service is the perfect place for you. BrowsrCamp offers two services: a Safari screenshots generator (free) and a testing system based on VNC (paid).
45. Feng GUI
Find out how people View your website or image and which areas are getting most of the attention.
The ViewFinder Heatmap service, is an artificial intelligence service which simulates human visual attention and creates an attention heatmap.
46. Watchfire WebXACT
WebXACT is a free online service that lets you test single pages of web content for quality, accessibility, and privacy issues. It is very similar to Bobby and usefull to anyone wishing to check the accessibilty level of their templates/site.
47. DBMonster
DBMonster is a tool which generates random test data and puts it into SQL database. It helps to test how an application can deal with large database.
Regular Expressions
48. Expresso 2.1
Expresso is useful tool for learning how to use regular expressions and for developing and debugging regular expressions prior to incorporating them into your code. It provides a very cut down version of RegexBuddy but most importantly it is simple to use and free.
49. Regex Coach
The Regex Coach is a graphical application for Windows which can be used to experiment with (Perl-compatible) regular expressions interactively.
Image Editing
50. GIMP
The GNU Image Manipulation Program is a Photoshop replacement that doesn’t have "quite" as much functionality but it’s excellent for free. It comes installed by default on many Linux distros and is also available in Windows. Worth a look.
51. Inkscape
Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw, or Xara X using the W3C standard Scalable Vector

Graphics (SVG) file format.
52. Paint.net
A really good, lightweight alternative to Photoshop. It offers layers, unlimited undo, special effects and a wide variety of useful tools. The download is around 2mb too so absolutely worth a look – I use this when Photoshop is playing up.
53. XnView
XnView is software to view and convert graphic files, apparently really simple to use and supports more than 400 graphics formats.
54. ImageMagick
A lesser known application but it offers the ability to "create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (about 100)". Use it to "translate, flip, mirror, rotate, scale, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and B?zier curves."
55. Blender
A 3D Studio Max alternative, very comprehensive and full-featured.
56. Pencil
Pencil is an animation/drawing software for Mac OS X and Windows. It lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics. Pencil is free and open source.
57. Artweaver
Artweaver is a simple Freeware program for creative painting, i.e. Artweaver offers you all artistic effects which you need for your work. You can create sketches from photos and experiment with a wide range of brushes. The brush simulation is thereby so realistic as possible.
Colour Matching and Sampling
58. ColorJack
ColorJack is an amazing online application providing users with the ability to match colours that work well together. Perfect for those developers who struggle to get a good colour scheme together.
59. Kuler
Kuler is a very nice application allowing you match colours that will “work well” together. Also allows you to see other people colour pallets. A good starting place and very cool.
60. Color Cop
A very handy tool for capturing colours anywhere on your screen. Color Cop makes it quick and easy in those situations where you need to know what colour is being used.
Database Design
61. DBDesigner 4
DBDesigner 4 is a visual database design system that integrates database design, modeling, creation and maintenance into a single, seamless environment.
It combines professional features and a clear and simple user interface to offer the most efficient way to handle your databases.
62. Clay
Clay is a database design tool that runs as a plug-in in the Eclipse development environment. Clay has an intuitive user interface for graphically designing database models. Clay can also create a database model by reverse engineering an existing database. Furthermore, Clay generates the SQL (DDL) code appropriate for your database.

Source Control
63. Subversion
The goal of the Subversion project is to build a version control system that is a compelling replacement for CVS in the open source community. The software is released under an Apache/BSD-style open source license.
64. CVS
CVS is a version control system, an important component of Source Configuration Management (SCM). Using it, you can record the history of sources files, and documents. It fills a similar role to the free software RCS, PRCS, and Aegis packages.
The CVSNT Versioning System implements a version control system: it keeps track of all changes in a set of files, typically the implementation of a software project, and allows several (potentially geographically separated) developers to collaborate. It is compatible with and originally based on Concurrent Versions System (CVS), which has become popular in the open-source world and is released under the GNU General Public License. (Source Wikipedia)
66. RapidSVN
RapidSVN is a cross-platform GUI front-end for the Subversion revision system written in C++ using the wxWidgets framework. This project also includes a Subversion client C++ API.
67. TortoiseSVN
A Subversion client, implemented as a windows shell extension. TortoiseSVN is a really easy to use Revision control / version control / source control software for Windows.
Since it’s not an integration for a specific IDE you can use it with whatever development tools you like. TortoiseSVN is free to use. You don’t need to get a loan or pay a full years salary to use it.
68. TortoiseCVS
TortoiseCVS lets you work with files under CVS version control directly from Windows Explorer. It’s freely available under the GPL.
With TortoiseCVS you can directly check out modules, update, commit and see differences by right clicking on files and folders within Explorer. You can see the state of a file with overlays on top of the normal icons within Explorer. It even works from within the file open dialog.
69. SmartCVS
SmartCVS is an innovative multi-platform CVS client. It has powerful features, like built-in File Compare/Merge, Transaction display or List Repository Files, and still is easy and intuitive to use. SmartCVS focuses on your day-to-day tasks and usability and is not limited to the available CVS command set.
SmartCVS is available in two versions, a free Foundation version and the powerful

Professional version.
70. Subclipse
Subclipse is an Eclipse Team Provider plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. The software is released under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) 1.0 open source license.
71. JCVS
JCVS is a CVS client package written entirely in Java. JCVS provides a complete CVS client/server protocol package that allows any Java program to implement the complete suite of CVS operations. JCVS also provides a Swing based client that provides a commercial quality GUI client for CVS. Finally, jCVS provides a Servlet that allows any Servlet enabled web server to present any CVS repository on the internet for browsing and download.
72. WinCVS
WinCvs is a CVS client that runs on the Microsoft Windows platform. CVS, Concurrent Versions System, is a centralized Revision Control System (RCS). SourceForge.net provides CVS service to all hosted projects. In order to access our CVS service, you will need to install a CVS client. CVS allows developers to keep a historical record of changes made to their source code tree, and to allow multiple developers to work on a single set of files at the same time without accidentally overwriting changes made by other developers.

HTTP Debugging
73. Fiddler
Fiddler is a HTTP Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to inspect all HTTP Traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with incoming or outgoing data. Fiddler includes a powerful event-based scripting subsystem, and can be extended using any .NET language.
74. Fiddler 2
Fiddler is a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to inspect all HTTP(S) traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with incoming or outgoing data. Fiddler includes a powerful event-based scripting subsystem, and can be extended using any .NET language.
Fiddler is freeware and can debug traffic from virtually any application, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and thousands more.
75. Apache
The Apache HTTP Server is an open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX and Windows NT. It provides a secure, efficient and extensible server that offers HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards.
76. Apache Tomcat
Apache Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications are developed by Sun under the Java Community Process.
XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use - just download, extract and start.
78. MySQL
MySQL is the world’s most popular open source database software, with over 100 million copies of its software downloaded or distributed throughout its history. With superior speed, reliability, and ease of use, MySQL has become the preferred choice of corporate IT Managers because it eliminates the major problems associated with downtime, maintenance, administration and support.
79. PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL, the highly scalable, SQL compliant, open source object-relational database management system, is now undergoing beta testing of the next version of our software: PostgreSQL 8.3.
80. Apache Derby
Apache Derby is an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java and available under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Some key advantages include:
• Derby has a small footprint — about 2 megabytes for the base engine and embedded JDBC driver.
• Derby is based on the Java, JDBC, and SQL standards.
• Derby provides an embedded JDBC driver that lets you embed Derby in any Java-based solution.
• Derby also supports the more familiar client/server mode with the Derby Network Client JDBC driver and Derby Network Server.
• Derby is easy to install, deploy, and use.
Database Administration
81. pgAdmin
pgAdmin III is the most popular and feature rich Open Source administration and development platform for PostgreSQL, the most advanced Open Source database in the world. The application may be used on Linux, FreeBSD, OpenSUSE, Solaris, Mac OSX and Windows platforms to manage PostgreSQL 7.3 and above running on any platform, as well as commercial versions of PostgreSQL such as EnterpriseDB and Mammoth PostgreSQL.
82. MySQL GUI Tools Bundle for 5.0
MySQL GUI Tools Bundle for 5.0 is available under the MySQL AB "dual licensing" model. Under this model, users may choose to use MySQL products under the free software/opensource GNU General Public License (commonly known as the "GPL") or under a commercial license.
This is the MySQL GUI Tools Bundle for 5.0. It includes the following products.
• MySQL Administrator 1.2 Generally Available (GA)
• MySQL Query Browser 1.2 Generally Available (GA)
• MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.1 Generally Available (GA)
83. phpMyAdmin
phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. Currently it can create and drop databases, create/drop/alter tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute any SQL statement, manage keys on fields.
Site Statistics
84. AWStats
AWStats is a free powerful and featureful tool that generates advanced web, streaming, ftp or mail server statistics, graphically. This log analyzer works as a CGI or from command line and shows you all possible information your log contains, in few graphical web pages. It uses a partial information file to be able to process large log files, often and quickly. It can analyze log files from all major server tools like Apache log files (NCSA combined/XLF/ELF log format or common/CLF log format), WebStar, IIS (W3C log format) and a lot of other web, proxy, wap, streaming servers, mail servers and some ftp servers.
85. phpMyVisits
phpMyVisites is a free and powerful open source (GNU/GPL) software for websites statistics and audience measurements.
86. Google Analytics
Google Analytics (GA) is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website. Its main highlight is that a webmaster can optimize his/her AdWords advertisement and marketing campaigns through the use of GA’s analysis of where the visitors came from, how long they stayed on the website and their geographical position. (Source Wikipedia)
87. Beautify PHP
This program tries to reformat and beautify PHP source code files automatically. It is a pretty printer for your php source code. The program is Open Source and distributed under the terms of GNU GPL. It is written in PHP and has a web frontend.
88. PuTTY
PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. It is written and maintained primarily by Simon Tatham.
89. WinMerge
WinMerge is an Open Source visual text file differencing and merging tool for Win32 platforms. It is highly useful for determing what has changed between project versions, and then merging changes between versions.
90. DBG
DBG is a full-featured php debugger. It works on a production and/or development WEB server and allows you debug your scripts locally or remotely, from an IDE or console.
91. PHP Accelerator
The ionCube PHP Accelerator is an easily installed PHP Zend engine extension that provides a PHP cache, and is capable of delivering a substantial acceleration of PHP scripts without requiring any script changes, loss of dynamic content, or other application compromises.
92. ajaxload.info
Ajax Load is an online application providing the ability to easily create and download “ajax loading“ images for your website or application. Very Web 2.0
93. Stripemania
Ever wanted to create a cool background for your site? Well this site allows you to easily generate your perfect background to use as you wish.
94. FavIcon Generator
Does exactly what is says on the tin. You upload your desired image and the generator does the rest.
95. YAML Builder
Ever wanted a tool that could build a base HTML Template quickly by allowing you to define the basic layout? Well this is that tool and it works really well too. Definitely worth a look.
96. CSS Rounded Box Generator
A simple tool allowing you to quickly and easily generate rounded corners for your website.
97. CSS Optimiser
Online CSS Optimizer/Optimiser is a web tool for reducing the file size of cascading style sheets. In order to save more space optimized files would be messy even so you may output it as a file. Non-valid or hacked (for certain browsers) CSS files may result in error.
98. CSS Validator
Validates your CSS stylesheets against W3C standards.
99. Acrobot
To cut to the chase Acrobot is a tool that takes supplied content and adds in relevant abbreviation or acronym tags.
100. Markup Validation Service
This validator checks the markup validity of Web documents in HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc. If you wish to validate specific content such as RSS/Atom feeds or CSS stylesheets or to find broken links, there are other validators and tools available.

Java tools for small to medium websites

Since I stopped serving drinks and started building websites, I tried many different languages and frameworks, not because it was absolutely necessary, but because i like to try everything. After some years I think I finally have preferred language for the web, and it’s called Java. Probably it was my choice since the beginning, mainly because I always liked Java, and I know it since the beginning of the language itself, but now I have no doubts… I like Java, I wouldn’t marry Java but I dreamed with it sometimes.

I’ve seen some blog posts about why developers don’t use Java as a web development language. One of the top reasons is because there is a scripting language called PHP that makes everything look simple, and is supported for almost, if not all, web hosting companies. And now there is RoR or TurboGears and others, that makes the process of creating a full web page as short as 10 minutes. So, many people look to web development in Java as something that is meant to big projects and complicated stuff. But my view is a bit different, I have in my toolbox some cool stuff that helps me creating small to medium projects in no time using Java.

Database Connection

First of all, one of the things that scares people away is to put a Java webapp talking to a RDBM like MySql or Postgresql. We need to load the driver, make a connection create statements or prepared statments, we must use result sets to retrive the rows, etc, etc. Then there is the scaring world of connection pooling, that we must set up our selfs, and that can be a big headache… For that and a bit more I use a tool called Torque from the good people from Apache.

There is some configuration involved in our development machine, but nothing to complicated, we just need to download maven, set the JAVA_HOME and MAVEN_HOME environment variables, take a quick look at the examples and we’re ready to start developing applications using torque (it works on any kind of applications, not just web based ones). Torque makes the connection to the database, sets up a connection pool, builds the database, creates some java beans to use in our app, and does a foot massage in the end… Or not… Anyway, it’s a great tool, all we need is a properties file and a xml file, to do all that. And best of all, it’s cross RDBM, so, if we want to move from MySql to Oracle and then to Postgresql, and so on, all it takes is to change some lines in the properties file, and we’re set.

But don’t be fooled by it’s simplicity, use it in big projects as well, it won’t behave worst than Hibernate for example.

Templating System

In this matter, PHP by itself it’s not better than Java. RoR and TurboGears and their friends from the fellowship of the pre-cooked frameworks come with built in support for that, but those are not in the same level, since they are frameworks, and not the language itself. There are frameworks for Java and Php as well that do that and more, specially in Java… But my tool of election for my templating is SiteMesh.

Using SiteMesh involves putting some jar files in our WEB-INF/lib folder, and a small change in web.xml, namely, creating a page filter. Then we can use plain JSP, Velocity or Freemarker decorators as our templates. Because this post is about small projects, a simple JSP decorator, that fits for all pages usually is enough. But there are many options we can use with SiteMesh. We can have many decorators and have it chosen for each request based on the url, on request parameters, cookies, etc. Using JSP as the decorator language we can add some dynamic behavior to our template as well, so for example, a banner that randomly changes from request to request can be chosen directly on the decorator.

Once again, don’t be fooled and blah blah (yes, all this tools are great for great projects as well).

File uploads

Yes, file uploads are something that people who invented servlets and JSP. If we google for “uploading files with java” we see that ther is over 2.000.000 results, wath shows that there is lot of people asking how they can do that. Once again there are lots of free tools avaiable, and once again I have a favorite one and once again, it’s provided by our Apachian friends, and once again, it’s simple yet powerful. Actually is a sub-project from Jakarta Commons, called fileUpload (original uh?).

Setting up involves a couple of jar files on our WEB-INF/lib, and using it involves (as expected) some java coding, but not much, just take a look at the user guide on their site, and you’ll quickly learn the basic usage.

Handling images

Sometimes we need to manipulate some images even on a simple project, either for creating thumbnails of the uploaded images on the fly, or to create those cool anti-spam codes on forms. Java bundles with a great API for that, the Java 2D API. But if you’re running your application server on a server that is not running a graphical interface, it simply won’t work. Since Java 1.5 there is an option called headless java that prevents that issue, but in some hosts doesn’t allow us to change the java runtime parameters, or they run an older java version, so, in that cases I use a tool called PJAToolKit, a pure java library that doesn’t need any graphics resource on the system. All you need to do is to change java.awt system property to com.eteks.awt.PJAToolkit and you’re ready to roll. The rest works just like Java 2D.

The end

There are lots of alternatives for each of those tools, you just need to find the one that serves you better. I’m already used to that, and I have no reason of complaint. But what would be really cool, is a tool that makes all the job for us while we’re drinking a cold bear on our favorite pub in a hot day, but that would leaves without a job, I guess… Well, let’s keep it this way.

The best mobile development platform

This is something I have been thinking for a while so here it goes. This is a list of platforms I know of and my choice of what makes sense for a hobbyist programmer like me. Let me first list down all the possible platforms and then list down the pros and cons that I feel are associated with each platform.

1. Java ME (The platform formally known as J2ME)
2. Windows Mobile
3. Linux
4. Palm
5. Brew
6. Symbian
7. Blackberry
8. iPhone


Let me start with iPhone the darling of the media and blogger's till about a fortnight. I had real expectations from iPhone as a platform but the way its been going so far I would never bother developing for it. Officially there is no SDK with which one can build applications. What ever tools the community had built have been rendered useless with the iPhone 1.1.1 software upgrade. The community might be able to hack a version for 1.1.1 but without any support from almighty apple its just a cat and mouse game. With every minor release the applications will break which makes little or no sense in developing for this platform.

The only official way of developing on this platform is if one makes widgets. But widgets can only do so much without support from the underlying platform.

Next comes the blackberry, I have no idea about this as a programming platform so cannot say much about the SDK support.

Brew as a platform is great but its not a platform for a hobbyist programmer. The tools are supposed to be good. I have never directly worked on a brew project so cannot say much about it. As far as I know there are no free SDK's (it is free) which a hobbyist programmer can use to start programming for the Brew platform. All of them are paid and to top it all you cannot directly test your application on a real device till its certified by Qualcomm, all in all its not easy to get your program onto the device. Even if somehow you test you application there is no easy way to deploy it. Only your service provider (mobile company) can deploy the applications for you. Brew works in favor of the mobile companies as they can completely control what goes on your phone.

Personally I liked the platform for development but I don't see any new products with the Palm OS. When Palm comes out with their new OS which is based on Linux things might change but till then I don't see any reason to develop for the palm. The best part about developing for the palm has to be the SDK's and it was almost like programming for windows. If you compile your program once you can directly run it on the device without bothering about signing and going though a 100 loops to see the final result.

I like the platform and I am eagerly waiting for the Linux based Palm OS. But till then I am not sure why one would bother developing for the palm, unless you have one.

When I bought my latest phone I made sure it was a Symbian 'cause I had heard so much about the support and the great development tools available. SDK's are available for the platform but if you plan to program for S60 3rd Edition, the whole experience is nothing short of a nightmare. Its almost impossible to test the application without signing it. If you want some good applications on your phone you have to sign them yourself as the signing process is a nightmare. If you plan to develop a shareware application then get ready to dole out cash for getting your application signed.

The whole experience is not very pleasant. They had to do it because of the "virus" problems on the earlier editions but this is just plain silly. Somehow the only sane way to develop for Symbian 3rd edition is using Java ME or python. Developing native applications is only for people who plan to develop free applications or for big organizations, getting a certificate for a free application can take weeks if not months. Its no longer seems like a platform for hobbyist programmers.

I've always had a love hate relationship with Linux. I love it 'cause its a great platform for learning but I hate the licensing. I like the BSD license any day but that is something personal. I had bought the Motorola A780 thinking that I would be able to tinker with Linux and develop some really cool things for this platform. The whole thing came crashing down as soon as I tried looking for tools to develop a native application. I realized that there was no SDK from Motorola to develop native applications, and since the whole community was tiny there were hardly any development frameworks. Motorola has a huge line up of phones including the latest Razr 2 which uses Linux but unfortunately there is no official SDK to develop native applications. The unoffical SDK is available but I am not sure its ready for prime time as yet. There is a ray of light in OpenMoko and the upcoming Palm OS but till then I really don't see any way of developing for Linux. Though Linux seems to be everywhere but without proper tools and SDK's its just one more platform where there is almost no support for the developers.
Java ME (The platform formally known as J2ME)

I've always had great expectations from Java but unfortunately the whole experience of developing applications never seemed right. Though they have some good tools and debugging is also great but the SDK's they seem to offer/highlight is beyond me. The libraries they provide are a few generations ahead of what is available in the market. I don't know of any device which has the Java ME libraries they seem to highlight on their site. Guess they want people to develop for the future but what about the present. As of today the they offer/highlight Sun Java Wireless Toolkit 2.5.1 for CLDC for download. But I have no idea about any device which offers support for it, I like the fact that I can use swing in Java ME applications but where am I supposed to test it. Unless they want a programmer to develop for a hypothetical platform which exists only as an emulator. They should offer/highlight Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) v2.0 which makes a lot more sense. It is also there on the download page but with half a dozen versions to download it can be really confusing for someone new.

But overall if you know your way out you can create an application in no time at all. Plus deployment is also easy. Overall its a great platform. But they really need to make things easier for an average developer. If they get the hobbyist crowd to start developing and make it fun for them to develop it can really work out. There are many good hobbyist Java ME programmers who are developing some good games and applications but if they market it right they can get many many more people interested in developing applications for this platform.
Windows Mobile

I never thought that Windows Mobile would take the pie, but for a hobbyist programmer they offer the best SDK's and you can make applications without worrying about certificates while testing and debugging. With a windows mobile one really feels in control, if you want to screw up your mobile device its really upto you. One rarely feels tied down the API's are clean and functional. Getting your first demo program onto the device takes a few seconds. It just makes sense to develop for windows mobile. There is almost no need to get your applications signed, at least for testing. You can develop you .net application on your desktop and if you use the compact framework you can run the same application on almost any windows mobile device. The application will look and feel native on most windows mobile. I was able to run the same EXE on my desktop and mobile phone. And that is something really cool, you can test the application on the desktop not just an emulator or simulator. I am sure not too many people would have seen it. But as a hobbyist I would like to program for a windows mobile device any day. Its really fun to develop and see your application running in no time.

For an average "John Doe" who just wants to dabble with programming there is no better platform than windows mobile. If nothing else it gives a chance for a programmer to develop for the mobile. There are many applications where its just about getting the information across to the user, and for those things windows mobile shines. You can use web services in you applications and it's pure bliss. Just the fact that you get to see your concept ready in no time is one pleasant experience.
The final verdict

As of today I would put my money on windows mobile. With the best development tools and ease of debugging no other platform can come close to it. But in terms of numbers Java ME takes the cake. So as of today if I wanted numbers I would develop my next hypothetical "killer application" in Java ME. But if I wanted to develop just for the joy of programming, I would prefer windows mobile. The conceptual part of the program can be developed/deployed in less than a few hours on windows mobile and no other platform can beat that. On most platforms most of the time would be wasted in getting the certificates and other stupid things which make no sense while developing and testing the application. And we better not talk about debugging which is a nightmare on most devices. This is just my personal opinion of whatever little I know.

25+ Firefox Extensions for Web Developers

About one week has gone since Firefox passed the 400 million downloads mark. A lot of people and of course webmaster use the revolutionary browser to explore the web. So this time I want to present you a bunch of plugins, especially for web development!


Firebug - A masterpiece of plugin! If you want to edit your sites CSS and preview it in real-time, this plugin is what you need.

JavaScript Debugger - A powerful JavaScript debugging environment.

Console Two - A plugin/console to display errors filtered by type, language and context.


View Source Chart - A cool plugin which enables you to display a color-coded chart of a website’s source code.

OperaView - Open pages in Opera from Firefox context menu.

View Dependencies - This plugin adds a tab to the Page Info window which lists all the files that have been loaded to show the current page.

lori - It can tell you how long it takes to load a page.

HTML Validator - This plugin displays the number of found errors of the site you are viewing.

CSS Validator - As you may guess, it validates a site’s CSS stylesheet.

RSS Validator - One of many plugins to validate a RSS Feed using the W3C Validator.

Window Resizer - A plugin to resize your window to standard sizes; useful to see how your site looks with different resolutions.

IE Tab - Handy extension to see how your site is displayed in Internet Explorer.

ViewSourceWith - An extension that primary allows you to view the source code of a site with an external application but you can also open images with other apps etc…


Aardvark - This extension can show you the attributes, classes and ids by highlighting a page element with your cursor.

Font Finder - If you ever wanted to see the css-styles used for a certain element on a website, you need this plugin.


Social Media for Firefox - Really good plugin that shows the stats of 4 social services (digg, reddit, stumbleupon, delicious) for the page you are visiting, in the status bar. Useful if you want to know whether a site you own already has been submitted to one of these services.

Niche Watch Tool - Very good plugin that provides you the technical information like backlinks, page rank, keywords strength… everything a webmaster needs to analyze his site.

KGen - This addon retrieves all words of a page and lets you know how many times they appear; interesting for SEO optimization.


Greasemonkey - Allows you to customize the way a webpage displays using small bits of JavaScript; a Must-Have!

Dummy Lipsum - Not the most valuable plugin for Firefox - it generates a “lorem ipsum” text.

ColorZilla - Nice Addon to pick the color of a page element and see its values.

Screengrab! - A plugin that saves the entire page as image (no flash elements).

Image Zoom - Offers you a zoom in, zoom out function for pictures.

Web Developer - Good extension that adds a toolbar to your Firefox with various web developer tools, e.g. Site Validation, CSS Viewer…

Unicode Converter - Converts entities or character references into Unicode and back.

Platypus - Another great addon which lets you modify a website from your browser. In addition to that you can save your modifications as a Greasemonkey script to make them ‘permanent’!

ShowIP - A useful extension that shows you the ip of the current page in the status bar. Also it enables you to see the whois details by querying some web services.

MeasureIt - Little Firefox extension that enables you to draw a ruler across any webpage to check the width or height of a element

The Fastest Growing Web Framework Is...

Hightower made an interesting observation in his blog recently when he compared job growth rates of various Web framework technologies on www.indeed.com. The clearly undisputed winner? JSF. As you can see from the attached graph images, JSF is growing much faster than any other other listed frameworks, as well as having far more job opportunities. But is it really? Is this graph telling the whole truth? More on that later.

Also very interesting, is the Spring and Ruby on Rails plots. It seems, at least according to this job site. That Ruby on Rails and Spring are virtually neck and neck, vying with each other for which one is more popular. At various times, Ruby on Rails has been more popular than Spring, but then Spring has overtaken Ruby on Rails and become more popular again.

This one I have a few problems with, since I don't see the supporting data on other job sites for it. For example, dice.com currently lists 2114 job openings for Spring, but only 241 for Ruby on Rails. That seems to differ radically from what the data at indeed.com suggests.

Of course, the sad story in all this, is the frameworks that just don't seem to be going anywhere at all. Tapestry, despite being a strong competitor to JSF, has gone virtually no where. once it is experienced its initial growth spurt after being released. It's basically flat. Unlike the Ruby on Rails vs. Spring data, the data at dice.com seems to support this one. There are currently only 87 jobs listed for Tapestry. This part is hard to debate no matter how you spin the numbers. Tapestry is virtually flat as far as having any kind of growth.

The data for WebWork and Struts2 is just as disappointing. Neither one of them has gained any traction at all. And once again, the dice.com data seems to support this.

To be fair, Struts2 was only released in February of this year, so it hasn't had a whole lot of time to gain in popularity. But since Struts2 is based on WebWork, I feel that it is fair to combine the WebWork and Struts2 graph lines. If we do this, we still find that neither one has experienced any significant growth.

Wicket was not included in this graph, but a quick dice.com search for Wicket shows only 23 openings, bringing it in no better than WebWork or Struts2.

What does this say about the future of Java Web frameworks? Is JSF going to usurp all of them and become "The Java Web framework?" Is JSF clearly the "current hot skill to have?"

Winning Through Effective Self Promotion

Setting personal goals and working single-handedly toward their success is both noble and a worthwhile use of your time. But as you reach for more challenging goals you are going to need the cooperation of others. Others can help you with their skills and resources. They will make it easier to succeed in the long run.

Effective self-promotion is the way to get others to help you reach your goals.

In this post you'll see how you can gain the power of persuasion to sell yourself and your services to the people who need them.

1. Why Promote Yourself?

2. The A.I.D.A. Formula Explained

3. 4 Surefire Tools That Grab Attention

4. Big Returns From Low Pressure Networking

5. Get Publicity!

Outsourcing may be coming to an end

As we have been hearing, costs among the outsourcing companies have been going up for the last couple of years. Competition has increased wages among outsourcing companies across the board.

Now Nishant Sivakumar in The Code Project:Finally something that might kill outsourcing brings up what will most likely bring Outsourcing to an end. When Outsourcing began the exchange rate was about 47 rupees to a U.S. dollar, today the exchange rate is 40 rupees to a U.S. dollar, so if trends continue even the stupidest MBA will figure out that there isn't the money in outsourcing that there was supposed to be.

The exchange rate coupled with rising expenses is sure to but the squeeze on the outsourcing companies and their customers. Thanks Nish for pointing out the obvious.

Programmer or Developer?

This made me think more about the distinction between a Software Programmer and a Software Developer. To me there is a subtle, but important difference. Let me give you my definition:

A Software Programmer is someone who really knows the environment he is programming. He knows everything there is to know about the language, the API and the Framework he’s using. He can do low level optimizations because he knows in detail what the compiler does behind the scenes. He is indeed a Wizard and a Guru of his domain. A Software Programmer usually starts with the implementation (probably because that’s what he is doing best) and work his way outwards.

A Software Developer on the other hand is a specialist at giving the customer (user) what he wants and what he needs. He doesn’t waste time on premature optimizations; he prioritize maintainability over performance, unless the performance is proved to be unacceptable; he has great testing skills, designing skills and communication skills; He is empathic, knows his HCI, and cares more about the user than he cares about his code. He cares so much that he usually becomes an expert himself of the users domains. A Software Developer starts with the interface (probably because that’s what he does best) and work his way inwards.

A person can be both, or more of one or the other. In a team you want both kinds but they are rarely found within the same individual. I, for instance, consider myself a great developer but an intermediate programmer. One simple way to test what type you are is to ask yourself this question: Do I care more for the interface (GUI or Programming Interface) than I do for the implementation? If you think the implementation is unimportant as long as it does what you want, and is reasonably maintainable, then you’re probably a Software Developer. If you find the previous sentence a blasphemy, you could be a Software Programmer. Which one is it?

What Tools I Use For Web Development

I use all of these applications/plug-ins

* Jetbrains IntelliJ Idea. The best IDE I've ever used.
* Textmate. The best text editor I've ever used.
* DBVisualizer. Makes working with databases easy.
* Fireworks, now from Adobe and likely to vanish someday.
* Interarchy. For moving stuff from one system to another.
* Path Finder. It's not a development tool but a Finder replacement; lots of neat programming assistant features.
* Firebug. If you don't use this for debugging javascript, you stand along in the world.
* Web Developer Toolbar. Although there is some overlap with Firebug, it's mostly complementary.

OK, you can argue with me, but these are my weapons of choice.

All I Need To Know To Be A Better Programmer

Programming is complicated stuff, but a lot of what makes a good programmer isn’t all that different from the earliest learning we did in school.

1. Share everything.

Use open source where possible, and contribute to it when you are able. The collective wisdom of the entire community is better than the limited vision of a few large companies.

2. Play fair.

Give other technologies, frameworks, methodologies and opinions a chance. Don’t think your choices are the only ones that work. The other choices may very well be better than yours; it doesn’t hurt to check them out with an open mind.

3. Don’t hit people.

Like #2, don’t attack people just because they happen to use .Net or Java or PHP (I learned my lesson there!). Sometimes they might be more usable and useful than you think. You can learn a lot more from someone when you are not pounding them to a pulp.

4. Clean up your own mess.

Strive to deliver code that works. Never expect QA to find all of your bugs for you. Test your code often, both narrowly and broadly.

5. Don’t take things that aren’t yours.

Follow the licenses for stuff you use, don’t just steal it and claim innocence later.

6. Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody.

Code reviews are a good but rarely used idea. Mentoring programmers with less experience than you helps the entire team. Just don’t criticize people openly. Learning is not belittling people. Sometimes people will listen and sometimes they won’t. Sometimes you might learn a lot from people you think are inferior to you.

7. Wash your hands before you eat.

Try to understand things before you set out to write code. Do prototyping, check out examples on the web, talk with other folks who do it, or even just play around. Architecting something you’ve never done before or worked with is tough cold turkey. The end result will work much better if you start with a clue.

8. Flush.

Don’t be afraid to replace, rewrite, refactor or give up on something that is crap. Sometimes “when in doubt throw it out” is the best philosophy. Never fall in love with your code.

9. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.

Yes, programmers should be well supported in their work environment. A good chair, a quiet place to work, a decent computer and tools that make coding better and easier are essential. Managers should act as umbrellas to keep the crap from flowing down to the programmers. As a programmer, don’t accept a life of lowly servitude. If the employer treats you poorly then find one who treats you better.

10. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.

I like Google’s deal where 20% of your time is devoted to whatever you think it worth working on. Employers should (discretely) offer nap rooms or game rooms or some kind of chillout environment. Programming is hard mental work; sometimes you really need to give your brain a rest. Refuse to routinely work 80 hour weeks as the quality of your work will wipe out any gains in hours.

11. Take a nap every afternoon.

Working 24 hours a day doesn’t make you more productive. Take breaks, go home, take a real nap. Often I have solved nasty problems by going home, and the solution came to me as I was driving away, or the next morning.

12. When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together.

Community is good for the soul; read blogs, learn about new languages or frameworks, participate in discussions and see what other people are doing. Just doing your job isn’t going to make you a better programmer. Keeping your head down means you will eventually be obsolete.

13. Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: the roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.

Every day something new and wonderful appears in the programming (and technology in general) world. Check it out. Be amazed. Learn something new everyday. It keeps your mind fresh, your options open, and your skills up to date. If you think programming is boring or dead then you may need a new career.

14. Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die. So do we.

Code goes stale and dies. Sometimes you just have to bury it and do it again. Fight against keeping terrible code bases around just to save money.

15. And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned - the biggest word of all - LOOK.

You won’t learn anything at all if you don’t try. Everything I learned in programming came from trying new stuff and generally playing around. Every morning I read a lot of sites to see what is happening in the programming world; I have been doing this since my first job in the early 80’s (when it meant reading catalogs and magazines).

See, programming is easy when you look at it through 3-year-old eyes.

Fix The Bug, Not The Symptom

I'm a big believer that a large part of the art of successful debugging is attitude. If you adopt the attitude that you can fix the problem and you're not getting to let this piece of technology make you look feeble and unworthy, you'll usually win.

There's more to write about that another time. Today I want to write a bit more about the flip side of this: being a responsible debugger and making sure you are fixing the real problem, not merely making the symptoms go away.
Learn A Lesson From The Villagers

Imagine that you live in a village on the edge of some grassy plains in Africa in the 19th century. Every now and again, a lion comes through the fence, enters a hut and eats all the meat inside. You decide to "fix" this problem. It seems to be a choice between two options:

1. Put a stronger door on your hut and maybe hang a slab of meat on your neighbours' huts as an extra incentive for the lion to go and visit them instead of you.
2. Look for all the places where the fence line can be breached and fix them.

Why is it that the 19th century African villager will pick the right solution (you picked #2, right?) and the 21st century software developer will often go for something akin to solution #1? Is it just because "screw your buddy" is much more obvious in this scenario than in the software band-aid patching approach?
Be Doubtful. Be Reluctant. Work Hard.

Tracking down the place where a bug appears is only the first step. That isn't the place where you necessarily need to fix the code. It's the place where the problems have finally mounted up to such an extent that the software falls over. It's the lion coming through the door of the hut when the problem was really the lion getting into the village in the first place.

When you're debugging a problem, as a practical matter, doubt that the problem you're seeing is the root cause. Maybe — once in a while — the problem is something obvious that was caused by a bad piece of logic a few lines earlier. More often, though, you're going to find that the current method or function was passed bad data by something else and that added to the problems until the camel's back completely broke.

The data might not necessarily be bad in the obvious sense. It might be perfectly valid data in another part of the program but you weren't expecting to handle it at the point the bug appeared. Sure, you could adjust the final location to handle this new data type, but why do this? Be very reluctant to broaden the interface you allow as input to a function. It just increases the number of code paths you have to worry about. Why is the unexpected data type getting here? Is there a broken assumption somewhere else? Is it newly added code that didn't respect the (possibly unadvertised or implicit) interface? It might be a legitimate oversight, but don't make that your first approach to a fix. That's a band-aid solution. You're fixing the symptom.

I will claim that for any reasonably large and stable body of code, there is usually a coherent set of design choices floating through the implementation. They might not be your choices and they might vary from component to component (particularly if the code has been built up over years and years), but there is going to be some logic to things. Try to understand this imlpicit logic. Work hard to ferret out the reasoning behind the interfaces and information flow. At some level, a "proper" bug fix feels very right. It feels like you've fixed it in the right place.

Applying a fix that makes the symptom disappear is lazy development. Maybe it's the right fix, but you'd better be able to explain why the problem should be fixed there. Why is that place the cause of the problem? Does the design back you up?

If you write a quick change to the code, run it and think to yourself "cool, that seems to have worked," it should make you feel uncomfortable. Why are you surprised that it worked? Lack of understanding of the root problem, perhaps?
Reviewing Proposed Fixes

Donald Knuth wrote somewhere (maybe in the TeX book?) that debugging was easier if you were already in a bad mood. The logic being that it's easier to be prepared to rip something apart if you want to do exactly that.

This might sound abstract, but on some level it's very true. I find my most successful periods of reviewing patches or designs — in my own code, just as much as other peoples' — is when I walk in dying to find a way to reject the proposed solution. If it holds up despite my best efforts to tear it down, it's probably a reasonable fix. This is, of course, the software development equivalent of statistic's null hypothesis; you have to disprove the opposite claim to have your version accepted.

The one line fix that applies to the precise spot of the traceback in a bug report is a prime candidate for this treatment. Without a lot of hard data, but with the benefit of about 15 years of professional experience, I will claim that most of those fixes are band-aids. Particularly if they're in an area that is likely to be executed with some frequency. Why hasn't this problem been noticed before? What special conditions caused the pile up of problems that made it noticeable only now? Again, working hard and being reluctant to apply the fix that makes the symptom disappear makes for stronger code.
Surely This Doesn't Happen In Practice?

I'd been planning to write this entry for a little while now. I spend a lot of time reading and reviewing bug reports and proposed fixes. I see more than a few messages on mailing lists asking why ticket number XYZ hasn't been fixed despite having three patches attached that make the problem go away.

Symptom removal happens. Unless you recognise it that way, and are prepared to look for the disease in every patch, it's easy to overlook. Particularly in Open Source code. We (Open Source developers) encourage community submissions. This pays off in the form of lots of bug reports, feature suggestions and patches to fix problems. The hidden downside is that a lot of patches for problems are written by somebody trying to get real work done. They want the fastest fix possible so they can get on with their real work, not devote a lot fo time to work on this piece of code that they downloaded from somewhere. Under those circumstances, it's easy to forget to look at the bigger picture. It's not a black mark against the person writing the patch — all contributions are welcome and if we don't take a particular patch, it causes no harm. It does explain why an existing patch might not necessarily be the right solution.

So, yes, the problem exists in practice.

Coincidentally, the issue was brought into the light recently when a couple of articles appeared on IT websites pointing out that Microsoft's Vista had degraded network performance when playing and mp3 file. That sounded odd on first reading. Microsoft's statement to explain why it was expected (for some value of "expected" that means "we thought it would be acceptable") raised eyebrows around the world.

Robert Love has written a good deconstruction of why this explanation is a model case of symptom hiding rather than bug fixing. You can see from Robert's write-up that a detrimental effect was made to go away, instead of investigating the root cause: why does using the network take up so much CPU? As noted in that article, Linux (amongst many others) has already solved this problem. It's hardly new technology any longer.

Clearly the solution isn't having more funds, more available developers or more process in place. Eternal vigilance is the last defender here. How you choose to get into that mode, using my "I'm going to assume this is busted until I can prove otherwise" approach or some other way, is entirely up to you.

Programmer’s life (cartoon)

Programmers carry small world with their selves. They require really small things to be happy. If they done their tasks according to specs, they will be very happy. Some times little showstopers make them sad, and they got frustrated. And start thinking diffrent kind of things like switching the job, how cruel the managers are, do I get appraisal etc, etc.

The given cartoon depicts interesting thing about programmers…


Trong chiến lược giành thị phần Internet của Microsoft, máy chủ Web IIS (Internet Information Service) là một trong những ưu tiên hàng đầu. Phiên bản đầu tiên IIS 1.0 được giới thiệu cách đây 11 năm cùng với Windows NT 4.0 vào năm 1996. Đến năm 1999, IIS 5.0 (trên nền Windows Server 2000) nhanh chóng trở thành máy chủ web phổ biến nhất vào thời điểm đó, mặc dù chỉ vài tháng sau nó phải đối mặt với những lỗ hổng bảo mật nghiêm trọng, bị các virus như Red Code, Nimbda khai thác. Phiên bản gần đây nhất, IIS 6.0 trên nền Windows Server 2003 được đánh giá là máy chủ web chắc chắn, ổn định, nhờ những thay đổi quan trọng trong kiến trúc. Kể từ lúc được phát hành đến nay, IIS 6.0 mới chỉ mắc một lỗi bảo mật nghiêm trọng, một "thành tích" đáng ghi nhận với sản phẩm của Microsoft!

Cùng với sự ra đời của hệ điều hành mới Windows Vista, IIS cũng được nâng cấp lên phiên bản 7.0. Với một hệ điều hành mang tính cách mạng như Vista, không có gì khó hiểu khi IIS 7.0 thực hiện bước nhảy vọt so với các phiên bản trước đây. Được viết lại trên nền tảng mã của IIS 6.0, với những cải tiến tốc độ, độ ổn định và khả năng an ninh, mục tiêu của IIS 7.0 là trở thành một máy chủ web uyển chuyển và dễ dùng, cũng như đủ mạnh để chạy các ứng dụng web trong tương lai. Được coi là máy chủ web nhiều tham vọng nhất của Microsoft từ trước đến nay, cũng như là lần nâng cấp có những thay đổi quan trọng nhất trong lịch sử, IIS 7.0 hứa hẹn là "món quà” hấp dẫn cho giới CNTT. Bài viết này sẽ giới thiệu những điểm mới ấn tượng nhất trong IIS 7.0, cũng như cách Microsoft đã làm để đạt được điều đó.

Máy chủ web dạng Module

Vista là hệ điều hành đầu tiên của Microsoft hiện thực việc module hóa: phía dưới là nhân của hệ điều hành, phía trên là các phần tương đối độc lập, mà việc có chúng hay không không ảnh hưởng đến phần còn lại của hệ thống. Điều này cho phép người dùng lựa chọn phiên bản chứa các module thích hợp với mình. Ý tưởng này cũng đã được đưa vào thiết kế của IIS 7.0. Thay vì phát triển IIS thành một khối như các phiên bản trước, IIS chia máy chủ web thành 2 phần: một nhân được thiết kế khá nhỏ gọn và hơn 40 module thành phần chạy trên nó.

Đây là một thiết kế hết sức linh hoạt cho phép nhà quản trị có thể cài đặt/gỡ bỏ các module thành phần bất cứ lúc nào, thậm chí cấm một tính năng nào đó không chạy với một ứng dụng web cụ thể. Cấu trúc này là một phần đặc biệt quan trọng của IIS, là cơ sở cho các cải tiến khác trong phiên bản 7.0.

Thiết kế dạng module giúp nhanh chóng xây dựng máy chủ web có thành phần tối thiểu đáp ứng được nhu cầu sử dụng. Do loại bỏ các phần không cần thiết nên đồng thời giảm được nguy cơ bị tấn công, cũng như tăng tốc độ một cách đáng kể do không phải thực thi các đoạn mã không cần thiết.

Với các nhà phát triển, điều đáng quan tâm là các thành phần bổ sung của IIS 7.0 được xây dựng trên một nền tảng API mở rộng, dựa trên nền mở rộng ISAPI trước đây. Bạn có thể xây dựng các thành phần bổ sung của riêng mình, sau đó thêm nó vào máy chủ IIS, hoặc thay thế một thành phần đang có, giúp tăng cường máy chủ web một cách mềm dẻo và dễ dàng.

Đơn giản hoá quá trình triển khai và cấu hình

IIS 7.0 sử dụng một hệ thống cấu hình mới, được xây dựng dựa trên cấp bậc của các file XML. Hệ thống cấu hình này có nhiều điểm tương tự với hệ thống cấu hình của ASP.NET.

Ở cấp độ máy chủ, có 2 file riêng biệt chứa những thiết lập cơ bản nhất của hệ thống:

• system32\inetsrv\applicationHost.config: Chứa các thiết lập mặc định của IIS

• \windows\microsoft.net\framework\v2.0.50727\config\machine.config: Chứa các thiết lập mặc định của .NET Framework

Ở cấp độ ứng dụng là file web.config, chứa những thiết lập cụ thể dùng cho ứng dụng đó. Trong phiên bản 7.0, thậm chí IIS và ASP.NET có thể sử dụng chung file web.config để lưu cấu hình, dưới đây là một ví dụ.

Nhờ cách cấu hình này đã tận dụng được ưu điểm của ASP.NET, giúp xây dựng các trang web dạng "portable", có thể copy sang một máy chủ khác và chạy trực tiếp mà không cần chỉnh sửa.

Bên cạnh khả năng chỉnh sửa trực tiếp các file cấu hình (bằng một trình soạn thảo như Notepad chẳng hạn), IIS 7.0 vẫn tiếp tục hỗ trợ việc thiết lập bằng Admin Base Object (ABO), hoặc Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) và đối tượng Windows Management Instrumental (WMI). Phần lớn các đoạn mã cấu hình viết dựa trên các công cụ này đều có thể dùng lại, do IIS 7.0 cung cấp một lớp tương thích đối với ABO. Bên cạnh đó, IIS 7.0 cũng bổ sung thêm các công cụ quản lý và một số hàm API nhằm đơn giản hoá công việc quản lý, đồng thời cho phép cấu hình và triển khai một cách tự động.

Tích hợp tốt hơn với ASP.NET

Không có gì khó hiểu khi Microsoft tích cực lăng xê cho "gà nhà”. Khuyết điểm lớn nhất của ASP.NET chính là chỉ chạy trên nền IIS/Windows, khiến cho sự phổ biến của nó bị hạn chế. Tuy nhiên, Microsoft đã đáp trả bằng cách đưa ASP.NET 2.0 trên nền IIS 7.0 thành một khung phát triển các ứng dụng web xuất sắc, bằng việc tích hợp ASP.NET vào nhân của máy chủ web (ASP.NET 1.0 không được hỗ trợ trên IIS 7.0, và Microsoft khuyến cáo sử dụng ASP.NET 2.0 trên máy chủ này).

Chúng ta hãy xem cấu trúc của việc tích hợp này:

Trong IIS 6.0 trở về trước, ASP.NET chỉ là một mở rộng của IIS thông qua ISAPI.

Khi có một yêu cầu (request) đến một file ASP.NET, nó sẽ được xử lý bằng IIS trước, sau đó mới chuyển sang cho ASP.NET (aspnet_isapi.dll). Với các yêu cầu không phải đến một file ASP.NET, như các trang ASP, sẽ được xử lý bởi IIS và các mở rộng ISAPI khác. ASP.NET "đứng ngoài cuộc" trong quá trình xử lý này.
Hạn chế chính của kiểu xử lý này là các dịch vụ cung cấp bởi ASP.NET, cũng như mã ASP.NET sẽ không thể dùng bởi các request không phải là ASP.NET. Ngoài ra, các module của ASP.NET sẽ không thể tác động đến các phần xử lý request của IIS trước và sau khi ASP.NET thực thi.

Trong IIS 7.0, ASP không phải là một bổ sung cho IIS mà thực sự là một phần trong nhân của IIS. Một request chứa nội dung bất kì được xử lý bởi IIS, bao gồm cả các module của IIS và của ASP.NET trong tất cả các quá trình. Điều này cho phép các request tới các trang ASP, PHP, .. có thế sử dụng các dịch vụ của ASP.NET như Forms Authentication hay Output Cache,...

Khả năng "cắm" trực tiếp vào máy chủ cho phép các module của ASP.NET thay thế, chạy trước hay sau bất kì chức năng nào của IIS.

Ngoài ra, khi tích hợp trực tiếp, các hàm API mở rộng của ASP.NET cho phép xử lý request sâu hơn. Ví dụ, các module ASP.NET có thể sửa đổi header của các request trước khi các phần khác xử lý, thêm header Accept-Language trước khi các ứng dụng ASP thực thi theo thứ tự để bắt buộc gửi các nội dung đã địa phương hóa về client dựa trên tùy chọn của người dùng.

Tăng cường An ninh

Được xây dựng trên nền IIS 6.0, IIS 7.0 có những thay đổi về mặt cấu trúc để tăng cường an toàn, đồng thời cung cấp các công cụ giúp bạn xây dụng web an toàn hơn.

Với cấu trúc module như đã trình bày ở trên, IIS 7.0 có thể loại bỏ tất cả những gì không cần thiết, làm giảm những lỗ hổng mà hacker có thể lợi dụng. Mặt khác, khi một điểm yếu được tìm thấy trong các phần mà bạn không dùng, bạn sẽ không phải ngừng chạy web của mình để vá, đồng nghĩa với việc tăng độ sẵn sàng cũng như giảm chi phí bảo trì hệ thống.

Về phía các nhà phát triển, IIS 7.0 cung cấp những công cụ mạnh mẽ hỗ trợ cho việc tăng cường an ninh cho web. Với việc tích hợp ASP.NET, bạn có thể sử dụng các tính năng của ASP.NET như Forms Authentication, Membership và Login controls để cung cấp một quá trình xác nhận hoàn chỉnh trong toàn ứng dụng. Bạn có thể làm việc này trong vài phút và không phải viết một dòng mã nào cả!

Tính năng URL Authorization mới, tương tự như tính năng URL Authorization của ASP.NET, dùng để cấu hình các quy tắc truy cập cho toàn bộ ứng dụng. Qui tắc truy cập cho phép/từ chối truy cập tới các địa chỉ URL trong ứng dụng dựa theo tên và quyền hạn của người dùng. URL Authorization tích hợp một cách trong suốt với tính năng Membership và Role Management của ASP.NET 2.0, và có thể dùng một cách hiệu quả với Forms Authentication và Login controls của ASP.NET để nhanh chóng thiết lập an ninh từ phía người dùng trong ứng dụng của bạn.

Tính năng lọc request mới cung cấp cho bạn chức năng khóa mạnh mẽ, một phần của nó chính là công cụ URLScan. Bạn có thể dùng tính năng này để bảo vệ site của mình chặt chẽ hơn bằng cách từ chối các request chứa các dữ liệu đáng nghi, bảo vệ tài nguyên nhạy cảm hay giới hạn request tấn công.

IIS 7.0 cũng cung cấp một số thay đổi giúp cho việc triển khai và quản lý các thiết lập an ninh dễ dàng hơn. Đáng chú ý là tài khoản IIS_IUSR và nhóm tài khoản IIS_IUSRS mới. Là một tài khoản built-in (có sẵn), IIS_IUSR không bị hạn chế bởi việc hết hạn password, cũng như phải đồng bộ password giữa các máy với nhau. Dùng để thay thế nhóm tài khoản IIS_WPG trước đây, IIS_IUSRS tự động thêm vào quá trình nhận diện thành viên trong lúc chạy, giúp giảm việc nhận diện thủ công vào trong nhóm khi sử dụng các tài khoản tùy chọn.

Tăng cường chẩn đoán

Với một máy chủ phức tạp như IIS, việc xác định lỗi nằm ở đâu là một công việc khó khăn và tốn nhiều thời gian. May mắn là IIS 7.0 đã đưa ra những công cụ mới hỗ trợ giám sát hoạt động của máy chủ cũng như gỡ rối ứng dụng.

Một trong những tính năng đáng chú ý là Runtime State and Control API (RSCA) cho phép bạn xem xét trạng thái hoạt động của các trang và các ứng dụng, các tiến trình đang chạy, thậm chí cả các request hiện đang được xử lý trên máy chủ. Nó cũng cho phép bạn điều khiển trạng thái của máy chủ, như khởi động/dừng các site, hoặc thu hồi bộ nhớ từ các ứng dụng. Trong Windows Vista, bạn có thể truy cập thông tin này thông qua công cụ appcmd.exe (dạng dòng lệnh), hoặc lập trình sử dụng các hàm API của Microsoft.Web.Administration. Với khả năng cung cấp thông tin chi tiết về những gì đang xảy ra, RSCA rất thuận tiện khi bạn tiến hành chẩn đoán hoặc tối ưu máy chủ.

Khi có lỗi trong ứng dụng web, nguyên nhân có thể là thiết lập máy chủ sai, lỗi ứng dụng, hoặc do các yếu tố môi trường khác. IIS 7.0 cung cấp thông tin chi tiết cho hầu hết các lỗi, báo cho bạn biết chính xác điều gì sai, tại sao và gợi ý cách để sửa chúng. Chi tiết về lỗi mà IIS 7.0 cung cấp tương tự như của ASP.NET. Theo mặc định, bạn chỉ nhận được thông tin chi tiết khi truy cập website từ máy cục bộ. Giống như trước đây, bạn có thể cấu hình thông tin trang báo lỗi cho mỗi mã lỗi hoặc chuyển sang một URL khác. Trang lỗi chi tiết cũng có thể địa phương hóa, cung cấp mô tả lỗi dựa trên ngôn ngữ của client.

Tăng cường quản lý

IIS 7.0 cung cấp một tập hợp phong phú các chức năng quản trị giúp việc quản lý máy chủ trở nên thuận tiện trong nhiều tình huống khác nhau. Công cụ quản lý IIS Manager mới dạng đồ hoạ, thay thế cho InetMgr.exe trước đây, giúp việc quản trị máy chủ trở nên rất đơn giản với giao diện dựa trên các công việc cụ thể.

IIS Manager cho phép bạn quản lý phần lớn tính năng của IIS 7.0 cũng như theo dõi hoạt động của máy chủ. Công cụ này hỗ trợ quản trị từ xa thông qua kết nối HTTP/SSL, với tùy chọn hỗ trợ cho cả việc xác thực dựa trên Windows và các cách xác thực khác.

Ngoài ra, IIS Manager cho phép ủy quyền quản lý, tức là cho phép chủ ứng dụng quản lý ứng dụng của họ từ xa mà không phải truy cập với quyền quản trị trên máy chủ. Cùng với khả năng này, người dùng của dịch vụ host có thể chạy công cụ quản trị trên desktop và kết nối từ xa để quản lý ứng dụng trên máy chủ host. Tất nhiên, các nhà quản trị máy chủ có toàn quyền quyết định tính năng quản lý nào được ủy quyền cho chủ ứng dụng.

Công cụ quản trị rất mềm dẻo, xây dựng trên một hệ thống cấu hình có thể mở rộng, cho phép thêm các giao diện quản lý tùy chọn vào công cụ. Bạn có thể tìm hiểu thêm về công cụ quản lý IIS Manager và cách thêm plug-in quản trị của chính bạn tại địa chỉ iis.net/default.aspx?tabid=7&subtabid=73

Nếu cần công cụ quản lý mềm dẻo hơn nữa, IIS 7.0 cung cấp công cụ dạng dòng lệnh appcmd.exe. Công cụ này tập hợp đầy đủ các chức năng quản lý và hỗ trợ cho các thao tác hàng loạt tốt hơn giao diện đồ hoạ, giúp đơn giản hoá việc đọc/ghi cấu hình, truy cập site và thông tin trạng thái về các ứng dụng, đồng thời thực hiện gần như bất kì công việc quản lý nào khác, tất cả thông qua dòng lệnh.

Chuẩn đoán lỗi mà không phải gỡ rối

Đối với nhà quản trị, lỗi thuộc dạng "Unknown" (không biết), hoặc lỗi gây ra trong quá trình tương tác của các thành phần máy chủ web thật sự là một thảm hoạ. Để giải quyết vấn đề đau đầu đó, IIS 7.0 cung cấp một cơ cấu dò vết (tracing) toàn diện, cung cấp thông tin chi tiết về mỗi request, giúp xác định vấn đề một cách nhanh chóng.

IIS 7.0 bổ sung các sự kiện chứa nhiều thông tin lên Event Tracing for Windows (ETW), vốn đã được thêm vào Windows Server 2003 SP1. Các sự kiện này chứa các thông tin hữu ích về mỗi giai đoạn trong quá trình xử lý của máy chủ, có thể kiểm tra để dò vết thông qua việc thực thi các request và xác định chính xác chỗ bị lỗi. Các sự kiện này cũng có thể được gửi tới cơ cấu dò vết của Windows, cho phép nhiều thành phần khác, như ASP.NET và SQL Server, liên kết các thông tin tracing của chúng thành một khối thông tin thống nhất và chi tiết về mỗi request. Chúng cũng có thể được gửi đến tính năng Failed Request Tracing mới (được gọi là FREB), lưu lại trace log dưới dạng XML.

Điều thú vị nhất về Failed Request Tracing là bạn có thể bật nó lên với các request gây lỗi hoặc cần nhiều thời gian xử lý hơn bình thường. Với Failed Request Tracing, bạn luôn có thể nhận được các thông tin dò vết đáng giá khi lỗi xảy ra, ngay cả khi lỗi không liên tục hay khó lặp lại. Khả năng này giúp chẩn đoán và sửa các lỗi mà trước đây cần debug đầy đủ mới làm được.

Nền tảng của việc dò vết được đặt vào các module của IIS thông qua mô hình mở rộng máy chủ, cho phép tất cả các thành phần máy chủ, bất kể chúng được phân phối cùng với IIS hay là được phát triển bởi bên thứ 3, tạo ra các thông tin dò vết chi tiết trong quá trình xử lý request. Việc dò vết của IIS 7.0 tích hợp với ASP.NET thông qua System.Diagnostics và cơ cấu dò vết của ASP.NET, cho phép các module được quản lý sử dụng một mẫu dò vết thống nhất. Xa hơn, bạn có thể viết module để xử lý và xuất thông tin dò vết theo cách của bạn.

Tăng cường tốc độ

Phiên bản IIS 7.0 trên Windows Vista chỉ cho phép xử lý tối đa 10 request cùng lúc. Tuy nhiên, ngay cả phiên bản này, người ta đã thấy có những thay đổi ấn tượng về mặt tốc độ, chứng tỏ đã có những thay đổi quan trọng ở cấu trúc bên trong. Người ta đang trông chờ vào hiệu năng thật sự mà IIS 7.0 trên nền Windows Longhorn Server mang lại.

Trước hết do cấu trúc module hoá của máy chủ. Cấu trúc này cho phép nhà quản trị loại bỏ các thành phần không cần thiết, nhờ đó tiết kiệm được RAM và thời gian CPU mỗi khi xử lý các request. Điều này làm tăng tốc độ đáng kể và khả năng xử lý của máy chủ. Xa hơn, việc cho phép/cấm một thành phần của máy chủ làm việc với mỗi ứng dụng sẽ tăng tốc độ của ứng dụng đó nhờ việc nó chỉ sử dụng những thành phần cần thiết cho mình.

Thứ hai, một thành phần đáng chú ý trong IIS 7.0 là IIS Output Cache mới, được đánh giá là nhanh hơn tính năng Cache trong ASP.NET. Mặc dù chỉ cung cấp một số chức năng, nhưng Output Cache vẫn đủ linh hoạt trong việc dùng lại các trang đã được xử lý, giúp mềm dẻo hóa việc xử lý trang web cũng như truy vấn cơ sở dữ liệu để trả về kết quả cho client. Việc sử dụng IIS Output Cache được trông đợi tăng tốc độ các trang ASP.NET, PHP hay ứng dụng CGI lên từ 5-10 lần, trong khi sử dụng ít tài nguyên hệ thống hơn.

Một vài chi tiết về IIS 7.0

IIS 7.0 chỉ có mặt trong các phiên bản Vista Home Premium, Business, và Ultimate, bản Home Basic sẽ không có thành phần này. Khi tiến hành nâng cấp từ các phiên bản trước, cần chú ý như bảng dưới

Phiên bản IIS 7.0 trên Windows Vista sử dụng cùng nhân với phiên bản trên Longhorn Server, và khi phiên bản trên Longhorn hoàn tất, người dùng Vista cũng có thể sử dụng đầy đủ các tính năng của một máy chủ thực sự thông qua một gói dịch vụ (service pack) cho Vista, giúp các nhà phát triển có thể xây dựng và chạy thử ứng dụng web một cách hoàn chỉnh ngay trên máy tính chạy Vista của mình.

Kết luận

Bài viết này hi vọng đem đến cho các bạn một cái nhìn tổng quan về IIS 7.0. Với những điều đã trình bày ở trên, IIS 7.0 thật sự đáng giá, đúng như tuyên bố của Microsoft về một kiến trúc nền tảng cho máy chủ web thế hệ tiếp theo. Đối với các nhà phát triển, IIS 7.0 là một trong những lý do thuyết phục để họ nâng cấp lên Vista/Longhorn Server. Còn người dùng sẽ được lợi với những ứng dụng/dịch vụ web nhanh, an toàn và sẵn sàng hơn.