25+ Firefox Extensions for Web Developers

About one week has gone since Firefox passed the 400 million downloads mark. A lot of people and of course webmaster use the revolutionary browser to explore the web. So this time I want to present you a bunch of plugins, especially for web development!


Firebug - A masterpiece of plugin! If you want to edit your sites CSS and preview it in real-time, this plugin is what you need.

JavaScript Debugger - A powerful JavaScript debugging environment.

Console Two - A plugin/console to display errors filtered by type, language and context.


View Source Chart - A cool plugin which enables you to display a color-coded chart of a website’s source code.

OperaView - Open pages in Opera from Firefox context menu.

View Dependencies - This plugin adds a tab to the Page Info window which lists all the files that have been loaded to show the current page.

lori - It can tell you how long it takes to load a page.

HTML Validator - This plugin displays the number of found errors of the site you are viewing.

CSS Validator - As you may guess, it validates a site’s CSS stylesheet.

RSS Validator - One of many plugins to validate a RSS Feed using the W3C Validator.

Window Resizer - A plugin to resize your window to standard sizes; useful to see how your site looks with different resolutions.

IE Tab - Handy extension to see how your site is displayed in Internet Explorer.

ViewSourceWith - An extension that primary allows you to view the source code of a site with an external application but you can also open images with other apps etc…


Aardvark - This extension can show you the attributes, classes and ids by highlighting a page element with your cursor.

Font Finder - If you ever wanted to see the css-styles used for a certain element on a website, you need this plugin.


Social Media for Firefox - Really good plugin that shows the stats of 4 social services (digg, reddit, stumbleupon, delicious) for the page you are visiting, in the status bar. Useful if you want to know whether a site you own already has been submitted to one of these services.

Niche Watch Tool - Very good plugin that provides you the technical information like backlinks, page rank, keywords strength… everything a webmaster needs to analyze his site.

KGen - This addon retrieves all words of a page and lets you know how many times they appear; interesting for SEO optimization.


Greasemonkey - Allows you to customize the way a webpage displays using small bits of JavaScript; a Must-Have!

Dummy Lipsum - Not the most valuable plugin for Firefox - it generates a “lorem ipsum” text.

ColorZilla - Nice Addon to pick the color of a page element and see its values.

Screengrab! - A plugin that saves the entire page as image (no flash elements).

Image Zoom - Offers you a zoom in, zoom out function for pictures.

Web Developer - Good extension that adds a toolbar to your Firefox with various web developer tools, e.g. Site Validation, CSS Viewer…

Unicode Converter - Converts entities or character references into Unicode and back.

Platypus - Another great addon which lets you modify a website from your browser. In addition to that you can save your modifications as a Greasemonkey script to make them ‘permanent’!

ShowIP - A useful extension that shows you the ip of the current page in the status bar. Also it enables you to see the whois details by querying some web services.

MeasureIt - Little Firefox extension that enables you to draw a ruler across any webpage to check the width or height of a element