EYE OS! Open source WEB OS

EYE- cloud computing web OS 

An open-source browser based web desktop. Full documentation, download, and community support are provided.(PHP5)

eyeOS is a Free Software project that develops the Cloud Computing’s Operating System. eyeOS was thought as a new definition of Operating System, where everything (desktop and applications) can be used from everywhere through a web browser.

Maybe the most important key point of eyeOS against its main competitors is that eyeOS is Free, Open Source Software, released under the AGPL3 license. This means that anyone can install an eyeOS server easily (just as easy as Wordpress, Drupal or any other PHP based script, or even easier, since eyeOS does not require a database).

For those who just want to use eyeOS there is a free public server where anyone can create an account and start using eyeOS in a few seconds. The public server has more than 400.000 registered users and an average of 700 new users per day.

Download eyeOS here