Simple Kanban Board Application
What is Simple-Kanban?
Suprised? The application is just one HTML file, no installation needed, no Java, Ruby or PHP. One HTML file, no other dependencies.
Why should I use Simple-Kanban?If you're working in stories, use Kanban, Scrum, or another agile approach, you should use a Story/Kanban board. Simple-Kanban is an application to manage such a Kanban board. A Kanban board informs a company about the stories which are in development and in which state they are. Everyone knows what's happening, because such a board is an ideal information radiator. This leads to more transparency and less status meetings or questions to your developers about project status. With a Kanban board you can see bottlenecks, adress them and optimize flow through your organisation.
How to use Simple-Kanban?
You can drag stories around and drop them in every column. If you want to edit the stories, add stories or remove stories, click on the "Data" link in the top right corner. You will find a list of stories.
The example contains those:
T_Q,S18,Checkout optimize
DE,S2,Build old shop
DE,S4,Rebuild with SOAP
DE_Q,S10,Rebuild with REST
P,S17,Do something with OpenID
D,S3,Make application faster
D_Q,S7,Credit Card Payment
DE,S13,Build something astonishing
P_Q,S17,Fix YSlow
R,S39,Google Page Speed fix
There are three columns for stories. The first column contains the state the story is in, the second contains an identifier for your story and the last column the name of the story. You can edit the columns, change states, change names, remove and add stories. You can also export form Excel to csv, then cut& into the application source.
After your satisfied with your changes and want to go back to the Simple-Kanban board view, click on the top right corner on "Board". Simple-Kanban will then change back to the board view.
Much fun with using Simple-Kanban in your company, think lean!
- Simple Kanban 1.0RC1 example file
- Simple Kanban 1.0RC1 empty file to start
- Simple Kanban 1.0RC1 ZIP file with all files
- The source code is hosted on Gitbub
How to use Simple-Kanban?
You can drag stories around and drop them in every column. If you want to edit the stories, add stories or remove stories, click on the "Data" link in the top right corner. You will find a list of stories.
The example contains those:
T_Q,S18,Checkout optimize
DE,S2,Build old shop
DE,S4,Rebuild with SOAP
DE_Q,S10,Rebuild with REST
P,S17,Do something with OpenID
D,S3,Make application faster
D_Q,S7,Credit Card Payment
DE,S13,Build something astonishing
P_Q,S17,Fix YSlow
R,S39,Google Page Speed fix
There are three columns for stories. The first column contains the state the story is in, the second contains an identifier for your story and the last column the name of the story. You can edit the columns, change states, change names, remove and add stories. You can also export form Excel to csv, then cut& into the application source.
After your satisfied with your changes and want to go back to the Simple-Kanban board view, click on the top right corner on "Board". Simple-Kanban will then change back to the board view.
Much fun with using Simple-Kanban in your company, think lean!
- Simple Kanban 1.0RC1 example file
- Simple Kanban 1.0RC1 empty file to start
- Simple Kanban 1.0RC1 ZIP file with all files
- The source code is hosted on Gitbub